Crucifixion, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

Holy Women detail in Crucifixion, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St Longin detail in Crucifixion, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St Mary detail in Crucifixion, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

Studenicka Mother of God, Studenica Monastery 12th Century
Link to in-depth information about this symbol of Serbian nation.

St Sava of Jerusalem, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St John Forerunner, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St Euplos, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St Basil the Great, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St Athanasius, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St John Chrysostom, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St Gregory, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

Sts John, St Atanastius, St Basil, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St Gregory, St Nicholas, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

Presentation if the Virgin, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

Nativity of the Virgin, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St Simeon the Myrrh Flowing, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

St Sava, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

Holy Virgin and Child and Serbian King Milutin, Kings Church on Studenica Monastery grounds 14th Century

King Milutin detail, Kings Church on Studenica Monastery grounds 14th Century

Dormition of the Holy Virgin, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Dormition of the Holy Virgin detail, Zica Monastery 13th Century

St John and St Longin, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Angel Deacon, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Dormition of the Holy Virgin detail, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Dormition of the Holy Virgin the whole wall set, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Holy Women Crucifixion detail, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Crucifixion, Zica Monastery 13th Century

St Procopius and St Artemius, Zica Monastery 13th Century

St Luke, Zica Monastery 13th Century

St Eustache, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Angel, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Apostle Peter, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Apostle Peter detail, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Apostle Paul, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Apostle Paul detail, Zica Monastery 13th Century

St Stephen and St Demetrios, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Judgment of St Stephen, Zica Monastery 13th Century

Transfer of relics of St Stephen, Zica Monastery 13th Century

St Stefen Prvovencani in King Radoslav's Exonartex at Studenica Monastery 13th Century

St Simeon the Myrrh Flowing in King Radoslav's Exonartex at Studenica Monastery 13th Century

King Radoslav in King Radoslav's Exonartex at Studenica Monastery 13th Century

St Simeon the Myrrh Flowing, St Stefen Prvovencani, King Radoslav in King Radoslav's Exonartex at Studenica Monastery 13th Century

St Stephen Protomartyr, Studenica Monastery 12th Century

Judgment of St Stephen detail, Zica Monastery 13th Century

St Simeon the Myrrh Flowing departing for Mt Athos, in King Radoslav's Exonartex at Studenica Monastery 13th Century

St Ananios and St. Missailus, Zica Monastery 13th Century